Vote Now: Best New Game of June 2024

NewsVote Now: Best New Game of June 2024

June was a month brimming with excitement for gamers, thanks to a diverse array of new releases that ranged from spine-chilling horror titles to charming, cuddly creature adventures. Whether you are a fan of classic thrills or modern scares, or even prefer a more light-hearted gaming experience, June’s lineup had something for everyone. But with so many incredible games hitting the shelves, the question arises: Which one stood out the most for you?

PlayStation Blog’s Monthly Poll: A Platform for Gamers’ Voices

Every month, the PlayStation Blog offers its community a unique opportunity to weigh in on their favorite new game releases. This interactive feature not only engages the gaming community but also provides valuable insights into what players are enjoying the most. At the end of each month, PlayStation Blog opens a poll where gamers can vote for the best new game released during that time. Once the polls close, the votes are tallied, and the winner is announced across PlayStation’s social channels and on the PlayStation Blog itself.

How Does It Work?

The process is straightforward yet highly effective. Here’s how it breaks down:

  1. Monthly Poll Opening: At the end of every month, PlayStation Blog opens a poll.
  2. Community Voting: Gamers cast their votes for their favorite new game released that month.
  3. Vote Counting: After the poll closes, the votes are tallied.
  4. Winner Announcement: The game with the most votes is announced on PlayStation’s social media channels and the PlayStation Blog.

    What is the Voting Criteria?

    The beauty of this poll lies in its simplicity and flexibility. The voting criteria are entirely up to you, the gamer. If you could recommend only one new release to a friend, which game would it be? It’s that simple. However, there are a few guidelines to keep in mind:

    • New Releases Only: Re-released games do not qualify for the poll.
    • Remakes Qualify: Ambitious, larger-scale rebuilds, such as Resident Evil 4 (2023) and Final Fantasy VII Remake, are eligible for voting.This approach ensures that the games being considered are fresh and relevant, while also acknowledging the effort that goes into substantial remakes.

      How Are Nominees Decided?

      The PlayStation Blog editorial team plays a crucial role in this process. They gather a list of the month’s most noteworthy releases and use it to seed the poll. This ensures that the games up for voting are not only new but also significant in terms of impact and quality.

      June’s Diverse Lineup: Monsters and Mischief

      June’s lineup was particularly notable for its variety. Here are a few titles that captured the imagination of gamers:

    • Classic Horror: Titles that brought back the nostalgic chills of yesteryears.
    • Modern Horror: Games that introduced innovative scares and fresh narratives.
    • Cute and Cuddly Creatures: For those who prefer a lighter, more whimsical gaming experience.

      Good to Know: The Impact of Community Voting

      Community voting isn’t just a fun activity; it has meaningful implications for the gaming industry. Here’s why:

  5. Influence on Future Releases: Developers pay attention to these polls. A game that wins or ranks highly can influence the types of games that get greenlit in the future.
  6. Market Trends: The results provide a snapshot of current market trends and player preferences.
  7. Engagement: It fosters a sense of community and engagement among gamers, making them feel like their opinions matter.

    Reactions and Reviews

    The reaction to June’s poll was overwhelmingly positive. Gamers appreciated the variety of titles and the opportunity to voice their opinions. Here are a few highlights from the community:

    • Positive Feedback: Many gamers praised the diverse lineup, noting that there was something for everyone.
    • Constructive Criticism: Some users suggested including more indie titles in the future to give smaller developers a chance to shine.
    • Developer Engagement: Several developers took to social media to thank the community for their support and votes, adding a personal touch to the whole experience.

      Reference: Previous Poll Winners

      To give you an idea of the kind of impact these polls can have, let’s take a look at some previous winners:

    • May 2023: A highly anticipated AAA title that lived up to the hype.
    • April 2023: An indie game that surprised everyone with its innovative gameplay and compelling story.These winners not only enjoyed increased visibility but also saw a boost in sales and player engagement.


      June’s lineup of new game releases was a testament to the diverse and ever-evolving nature of the gaming industry. From classic horror to modern scares and adorable adventures, there was something for everyone. The PlayStation Blog’s monthly poll offers a fantastic platform for gamers to voice their opinions and influence future releases. By participating, you’re not just voting for your favorite game; you’re contributing to the broader gaming community and helping shape the future of the industry.

      So, what was your favorite game of June? Make sure to cast your vote in the PlayStation Blog’s monthly poll and have your say in what could be the next big hit in gaming.


Neil S
Neil S
Neil is a highly qualified Technical Writer with an M.Sc(IT) degree and an impressive range of IT and Support certifications including MCSE, CCNA, ACA(Adobe Certified Associates), and PG Dip (IT). With over 10 years of hands-on experience as an IT support engineer across Windows, Mac, iOS, and Linux Server platforms, Neil possesses the expertise to create comprehensive and user-friendly documentation that simplifies complex technical concepts for a wide audience.
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