Testing with Testcontainers and Jqwik in Docker

NewsTesting with Testcontainers and Jqwik in Docker

When testing complex software systems, it’s crucial to identify as many edge cases as possible to ensure optimal performance in real-world scenarios. The challenge, however, lies in efficiently generating hundreds or even thousands of meaningful tests that can uncover hidden bugs. This is where model-based testing (MBT) comes into play. MBT is a testing technique that automates the generation of test cases by creating a model that represents the expected behavior of the software.

In this article, we will explore the model-based testing approach by applying it to regression testing on a simple REST API. We’ll be using the jqwik test engine on JUnit 5 to run both property-based and model-based tests. Additionally, we’ll utilize Testcontainers to launch Docker containers with different versions of our application, allowing us to test various scenarios effortlessly.

Testcontainers Evergreen Image

Understanding Model-Based Testing

Model-based testing is a method used to test stateful software by comparing the software component being tested with a model that represents the expected behavior of the system. Instead of manually writing test cases, we use a testing tool to:

  1. Identify a list of possible actions supported by the application.
  2. Automatically generate test sequences from these actions, targeting potential edge cases.
  3. Execute these tests on both the software and the model, and compare the results.

    In our demonstration, the actions are simply the endpoints exposed by the application’s API. We will use a basic service with a CRUD REST API that allows us to:

    • Find an employee by their unique employee number.
    • Update an employee’s name.
    • Retrieve a list of all employees from a specific department.
    • Register a new employee.

      The image below illustrates the process of finding an employee, updating their name, identifying their department, and registering a new employee.

      Model-Based Testing Process

      Once we have everything configured and ready, running the test will result in a rapid sequence of hundreds of requests being sent to the two stateful services.

      Leveraging Docker Compose

      Imagine we need to switch the database from Postgres to MySQL while ensuring that the application’s behavior remains consistent. To test this, we can run both versions of the application, send identical requests to each, and compare the responses. Docker Compose is a tool that can help us set up the environment by running two versions of the app:

  4. Model (mbt-demo:postgres): The current live version and our source of truth.
  5. Tested version (mbt-demo:mysql): The new feature branch under test.

    Below is a sample Docker Compose configuration for our services:



    image: mbt-demo:postgres

    • postgres
      image: postgres:16-alpine


      image: mbt-demo:mysql

      • mysql
        image: mysql:8.0

        Automating Tests with Testcontainers

        To streamline our testing process, we can use Testcontainers’ ComposeContainer to automate the setup with our Docker Compose file during the testing phase. By doing this, we avoid the tedious task of starting the application and databases manually.

        In our setup, we’ll use jqwik as our JUnit 5 test runner. First, we’ll need to add the necessary dependencies to our pom.xml file:






        With these dependencies in place, we can instantiate a ComposeContainer and pass our test Docker Compose file as an argument:

        class ModelBasedTest {

        static ComposeContainer ENV = new ComposeContainer(new File(“src/test/resources/docker-compose-test.yml”))
        .withExposedService(“app-tested”, 8080, Wait.forHttp(“/api/employees”).forStatusCode(200))
        .withExposedService(“app-model”, 8080, Wait.forHttp(“/api/employees”).forStatusCode(200));

        // tests

        ### Creating a Test HTTP Client

        Next, we’ll create a small utility to help us execute HTTP requests against our services:

        class TestHttpClient {
        ApiResponse get(String employeeNo) { /* … */ }

        ApiResponse put(String employeeNo, String newName) { /* … */ }

        ApiResponse> getByDepartment(String department) { /* … */ }

        ApiResponse post(String employeeNo, String name) { /* … */ }

        record ApiResponse(int statusCode, @Nullable T body) { }

        record EmployeeDto(String employeeNo, String name) { }

        Additionally, in the test class, we can declare another method that helps us create `TestHttpClient` instances for the two services started by the ComposeContainer:

        static TestHttpClient testClient(String service) {
        int port = ENV.getServicePort(service, 8080);
        String url = “http://localhost:%s/api/employees”.formatted(port);
        return new TestHttpClient(service, url);

        ### Introduction to jqwik

        Jqwik is a property-based testing framework for Java that integrates with JUnit 5. It automatically generates test cases to validate code properties across diverse inputs, thereby enhancing test coverage and uncovering edge cases. By using generators to create varied and random test inputs, jqwik can effectively test the boundaries and potential breakpoints of your code.

        For those new to jqwik, it’s worth exploring their API in detail through the [official user guide](https://jqwik.net/docs/current/user-guide.html). While this tutorial won’t cover all API specifics, it’s crucial to understand that jqwik allows us to define a set of actions we want to test.

        To start, we’ll use jqwik’s `@Property` annotation — instead of the traditional `@Test` — to define a test:

        void regressionTest() {
        TestHttpClient model = testClient(“app-model”);
        TestHttpClient tested = testClient(“app-tested”);
        // …

        Next, we’ll define the actions, which are the HTTP calls to our APIs. These actions can also include assertions. For instance, the `GetOneEmployeeAction` will attempt to fetch a specific employee from both services and compare the responses:

        record ModelVsTested(TestHttpClient model, TestHttpClient tested) {}

        record GetOneEmployeeAction(String empNo) implements Action {
        public ModelVsTested run(ModelVsTested apps) {
        ApiResponse actual = apps.tested.get(empNo);
        ApiResponse expected = apps.model.get(empNo);

        return apps;

        Additionally, we need to wrap these actions within Arbitrary objects. Arbitraries are akin to factories that can generate a wide variety of instances of a type, based on a set of configured rules.

        For example, the Arbitrary returned by `employeeNos()` can generate employee numbers by choosing a random department from the configured list and concatenating a number between 0 and 200:

        static Arbitrary employeeNos() {
        Arbitrary departments = Arbitraries.of(“Frontend”, “Backend”, “HR”, “Creative”, “DevOps”);
        Arbitrary ids = Arbitraries.longs().between(1, 200);
        return Combinators.combine(departments, ids).as(“%s-%s”::formatted);

        Similarly, `getOneEmployeeAction()` returns an Arbitrary action based on a given Arbitrary employee number:

        static Arbitrary getOneEmployeeAction() {
        return employeeNos().map(GetOneEmployeeAction::new);

        After declaring all the other Actions and Arbitraries, we’ll create an ActionSequence:

        Arbitrary> mbtJqwikActions() {
        return Arbitraries.sequences(

        static Arbitrary> getOneEmployeeAction() { /* … */ }
        static Arbitrary> getEmployeesByDepartmentAction() { /* … */ }
        // same for the other actions

        Now, we can write our test and leverage jqwik to use the provided actions to test various sequences. Let’s create the `ModelVsTested` tuple and use it to execute the sequence of actions against it:

        void regressionTest(@ForAll(“mbtJqwikActions”) ActionSequence actions) {
        ModelVsTested testVsModel = new ModelVsTested(

        That’s it — we can finally run the test! The test will generate a sequence of thousands of requests trying to find inconsistencies between the model and the tested service.

        ### Identifying and Fixing Errors

        If we run the test and examine the logs, we might quickly spot a failure. For instance, when searching for employees by department with a specific argument, the model might produce an internal server error, whereas the test version returns a 200 OK status.

        Upon investigation, we might find that the issue arises from a native SQL query using Postgres-specific syntax to retrieve data. Although this was a simple issue in our small application, model-based testing can help uncover unexpected behaviors that might only surface after specific sequences of repetitive steps push the system into a particular state.

        ![Testcontainers Model-Based Testing](https://www.docker.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/testcontainers_model-based_f2-1110×506.png)

        In conclusion, this article provided hands-on examples of applying model-based testing in practice. From defining models to generating test cases, we’ve seen how this powerful approach can improve test coverage and reduce the manual effort involved in testing. Now that you’ve seen the potential of model-based testing to enhance software quality, it’s time to dive deeper and tailor it to your own projects.

        For those interested in experimenting further, you can clone the [GitHub repository](https://github.com/etrandafir93/model-based-testing-practice) to customize the models and integrate this methodology into your testing strategy. Start building more resilient software today!

        Thank you to Emanuel Trandafir for contributing this post. For more information and resources, be sure to explore the references provided.

For more Information, Refer to this article.

Neil S
Neil S
Neil is a highly qualified Technical Writer with an M.Sc(IT) degree and an impressive range of IT and Support certifications including MCSE, CCNA, ACA(Adobe Certified Associates), and PG Dip (IT). With over 10 years of hands-on experience as an IT support engineer across Windows, Mac, iOS, and Linux Server platforms, Neil possesses the expertise to create comprehensive and user-friendly documentation that simplifies complex technical concepts for a wide audience.
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