The future of communicating has arrived with the all-new Telegram messenger. In 2021, the software company gave its millions of users a glimpse of what technology can do. Earlier in April, they tweeted that users can now see their messages, emojis, texts and stickers in 3 dimensions by holding their phone up to their eyes. Yeah, it sounds too good to be real at the moment, but in the following comment they respond that the future is unwritten.
If anything, one thing is very clear. Telegram is set to change our lives by making communications one hell of a ride. What once seemed like mere chatting and video calling is so much more meaningful than that. Here’s what the future driven company is promising us.
1. Energy-Efficient Animations In Default Settings
On both the Android and iOS apps, you can watch as text, stickers, emoji and voice messages fly from your keyboard to the chat with smooth, energy-efficient animations. #TelegramTips
— Telegram Messenger (@telegram) August 25, 2021
Why this is news, you ask? Well, you clearly have no idea how you get fascinating features in other apps by indirectly wasting green resources. For example, in Telegram, you can now send fun animations and emoticons without having to drain your phone’s battery life. Usually, an app has to work very hard to bring these to the plate, which inevitably consumes more power. But developers in Telegram changed that here.
Thus, emoticons, stickers, and animations smoothly and efficiently reach your chat from the keyboard without burning your battery. For iPhone users, your media and text too fly in the form of a smooth bubble and make your use a glide.
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2. Check Out The Animated Backgrounds On Telegram Messenger
In addition to energy-efficient animations, the app is also bringing animated backgrounds to choose from. So whenever you send a message, the background will algorithmically change its color gradient, making it fun and exciting. These are already added in the default settings.
However, if you want more, go to Chat settings, click on Chat Background and choose whichever you like. For iPhone users, go to Appearance and tap on Chat Background, followed by the rest.
New animated chat backgrounds have been added to all default themes – with swirling colors that move as you send messages. Try one of the preset backgrounds built by our designers or create a custom one by adding 3 or 4 colors to your background in the theme editor. #TelegramTips
— Telegram Messenger (@telegram) July 7, 2021
Moreover, if you are creative enough, you can create your background gradient too. From a palette of unlimited choices, go for two to three shades, starting the animation process in the first place. Then you can add as many for added style. Furthermore, you can share your creation with friends and family and inspire them to make their own.
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3. Info Reminders For Your Phone Number
It’s no secret that your Telegram chat account is only accessible through the phone number it is attached to. So, keep your phone number on the app updated because if you happen to lose it, you will risk losing all your data and information. And it surely is not a pleasant feeling in the world. Therefore, the login info reminder is a great tool that keeps popping up to remind you to update your phone number.
This is only available for iOS device users, and android users will have to wait until the next update season. Up until then, you can go to Settings and update your phone number.
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These are just a few highlighted ones that you must try. However, there are a lot more you will be surprised to know. For instance, partially visible background in chats on the header and the footer. It gives your chat window a stylish and classy look but, as of now, only available in iOS. Telegram also brings a new variant of colors to try on its logo beside the classic Blue. On your iPhone, you can access them from Settings.
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