With its most recent update, Telegram has once again shown its dedication to giving users a wonderful experience. As a norm, Telegram upgraded its chat application for users of Android and iOS by introducing a total of 10 major features to make your year super-exciting.
#1. Profile Picture Maker
One of the major features of the upgrade is the profile photo maker, which enables users to create eye-catching profile pictures for their profiles, groups, and channels using stickers or animated emojis. The best thing about the function is that it is accessible to all users, whether or not they have a Premium subscription. Additionally, you also can set or recommend profile pictures for your contacts on Telegram.
#2. Translating Entire Chats
The Translate bar at the top now allows Premium users to instantly translate whole chats, groups, and channels. You can choose which languages to translate and whether you want the bar to display from the settings menu. You can do it by selecting the message to translate and pressing the “Translate” option.
#3. Emoji Categories
When selecting reactions or statuses, stickers, and emojis are now grouped by categories. Before sending, hold any emoji to enlarge it and get a better look. Users of Telegram can choose from more than a million different stickers and emojis to send, but doing so doesn’t have to be their day and night.
#4. Network Usage
With the presence of detailed pie charts for Wi-Fi and mobile data, you can monitor how much data Telegram has consumed. So, you can change your auto-download settings to match your data limit. Similar improvements to Storage Usage were made last month.
#5. Auto-Save Incoming Media
Set the size, kind, and chat preferences for your automatic media saving to your gallery. To store only the data you want. You don’t have to keep everything on your device when using Telegram. Also, you can always re-download files from your Telegram cloud account after deleting them from your phone’s storage.
#6. Granular Media Permissions
Admin can control which of the nine different media kinds, such as audio or video texts, the group members are permitted to send. They can also turn off text messages to form groups that are just for media.
#7. Chat Selection for Bots
Special buttons add by bot developers to make it easier for users to choose channels, groups, or users who fit specific criteria. Further, the bot can be instantly added to a group where topics are enabled and the user is the admin.
#8. Re-Login with Apple and Google ID
If a person has logged out and doesn’t have a 2-step verification password, they can instantly log back in using their Apple ID or Google ID without sending an SMS code.
#9. New Custom Emoji
Without 10 fresh packs of unique emoji created by Telegram artists, no update is complete. This time, we’ve included hundreds of icons created just for group and profile photos. From the new trending portion at the top of your emoji panel, you may explore and use any of these packs.
#10. New Interactive Emoji
Our animators updated the interactive versions of the previous emojis. You can send any of them in individual chats, and then tap to give you and your friend a full-screen experience. These emojis can also use by anyone as a reaction.
Lastly, paying in advance for a full year of premium features can help users save up to 40% on their Telegram Premium subscription.
In conclusion, these are the ten main features that are included in Telegram’s first update of the year. Telegram mentioned it as a warm-up exercise. Furthermore, they expressed that they are already working tirelessly on the upcoming release and did not stop for a moment.
Moreover, the most recent Telegram update, which has already begun rolling out to users worldwide and updates the software to Telegram for Android v9.4.0, now includes the abovementioned features.