NASA Johnson Names Dorothy Vaughan Center Honoring Apollo Women

NewsNASA Johnson Names Dorothy Vaughan Center Honoring Apollo Women

On the eve of the 55th anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon landing, NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston paid tribute to the unsung heroes who played a pivotal role in humanity’s first steps on the Moon.

In a ceremony held on July 19, 2024, Johnson Space Center honored these early pioneers by naming one of its central buildings the “Dorothy Vaughan Center in Honor of the Women of Apollo.” This dedication recognizes their enduring legacy and the groundwork they laid for the Artemis Generation, NASA’s new era of space exploration.

Honoring Dorothy Vaughan and the Women of Apollo

Dorothy Vaughan, a trailblazing mathematician and NASA’s first Black manager, was instrumental in the success of the Apollo missions. From 1949 to 1958, Vaughan led the West Area Computing Unit at Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia. Her team mastered new computer programming languages, setting the stage for the agency’s diverse workforce and leadership seen today.

The event featured speeches from notable NASA figures, including Johnson Director Vanessa Wyche, NASA astronaut Christina Koch, and Deputy Associate Administrator Casey Swails.

“Dorothy Vaughan, alongside all of our Women of Apollo, represents the best of NASA’s past, and their legacies serve as the inspiration and foundation for our future,” Wyche remarked. “As we prepare to take our next giant leap, the Women of Apollo will take each step with us.”

Distinguished Guests and Astronaut Messages

The ceremony was attended by NASA leadership and distinguished guests, including Associate Administrator Jim Free, Acting Associate Administrator for Space Technology Mission Directorate and Langley Director Clayton Turner, Director of NASA’s Stennis Space Center in Mississippi John Bailey, and former Johnson Director Mike Coats. Also present were Representatives Lizzie Fletcher and Sylvia Garcia, and representatives from the offices of Senators Ted Cruz and John Cornyn, and Representative Brian Babin.

Adding to the significance of the event, NASA astronauts Suni Williams, Jeanette J. Epps, and Tracy C. Dyson sent a special message from the International Space Station.

“We have accomplished our dreams of space exploration thanks to the many NASA women that paved the way for diversity, inclusion, and excellence,” said Epps.

Dyson added, “Building on the efforts of our space exploration pioneers, we continue to work for the benefit of humanity. NASA’s success is only possible because of the tenacity and expertise of individuals like Dorothy Vaughan, whose legacy of brilliance continues to inspire us today.”

Cultural and Inspirational Highlights

The program also included a reading of the poem “Hawk” by Dr. Vivian Ayers Allen, a Pulitzer Prize-nominated poet, cultural activist, and former NASA editor and typist. The poem, published just 11 weeks before humankind’s first venture into space with Sputnik I, uses space flight as an allegory for freedom. Phylicia Rashad, Allen’s daughter, recited the poem before a presentation by Texas Southern University’s Dr. Thomas F. Freeman Debate Team.

A “Women in Human Spaceflight” panel discussion featured some of the impactful Women of Apollo and current trailblazers in human spaceflight. Debbie Korth, deputy manager of the Orion Program, moderated the event with panelists Lara Kearney, manager of NASA’s Extravehicular Activity and Human Surface Mobility Program; Sandy Johnson, CEO of Barrios Technology; NASA astronaut Christina Hammock Koch; Andrea Mosie, manager and senior sample processor for NASA’s Lunar Materials Repository Laboratory; and Dr. Shirley Price, former NASA equal opportunity specialist.

“I learned that as long as I am being myself, I can make a difference,” said Price. “Dorothy Vaughan helped me make that difference because she paved the way for me, and I am here to pave the way forward for more to follow.”

Koch reflected on the future, saying, “I am looking forward to us being driven by our values of inclusivity, making sure that we are going for all and by all in a non-hidden way and that we are calling out the amazing contributions of every single person that has a dream.”

Ribbon-Cutting and Portrait Unveiling

Heather Vaughan-Batten, Vaughan’s granddaughter, marked the official naming of the building with a ribbon-cutting ceremony. The event concluded with a surprise unveiling of a painting of Vaughan to her family. The portrait, created by Eliza Hoffman, an artist and student from Clear Creek Independent High School, now illuminates the main hallway of the Dorothy Vaughan Center in honor of the Women of Apollo.

More than 30 portraits of women who made notable contributions to NASA during the Apollo era now line the building’s main hallway, serving as a testament to their invaluable contributions.

The Bigger Picture and Future Impact

This ceremony not only honored the past but also set the tone for the future of space exploration. It emphasized the importance of diversity and inclusion, values that are crucial as NASA aims to return to the Moon and eventually journey to Mars. The dedication of the Dorothy Vaughan Center serves as a reminder of the extraordinary accomplishments of the Women of Apollo and their lasting impact on the field of space exploration.

Technical Jargon Simplified

For those unfamiliar with some of the technical terms mentioned:

  • Artemis Generation: This refers to NASA’s new era of space exploration missions, named after Artemis, the twin sister of Apollo and goddess of the Moon in Greek mythology. The Artemis program aims to return humans to the Moon and eventually send astronauts to Mars.
  • Extravehicular Activity (EVA): This is any activity done by an astronaut outside a spacecraft. It is commonly known as a spacewalk.
  • Human Surface Mobility Program: This program focuses on developing technologies and systems that enable astronauts to move and work on the surface of other celestial bodies, such as the Moon and Mars.


    The dedication of the Dorothy Vaughan Center is a significant milestone in recognizing the contributions of the Women of Apollo. Their pioneering work not only made the Apollo missions possible but also paved the way for future generations of diverse and inclusive space exploration. As NASA continues to push the boundaries of human spaceflight, the legacy of these remarkable women will undoubtedly inspire and guide the path forward.

    For those interested in watching the building dedication ceremony, ribbon-cutting, and portrait unveiling, the event is available to view online.

    This dedication reminds us that the journey to the stars is not just about technology and science, but also about the people who make it possible. The Women of Apollo have left an indelible mark on history, and their legacy will continue to inspire future generations of explorers.

For more Information, Refer to this article.

Neil S
Neil S
Neil is a highly qualified Technical Writer with an M.Sc(IT) degree and an impressive range of IT and Support certifications including MCSE, CCNA, ACA(Adobe Certified Associates), and PG Dip (IT). With over 10 years of hands-on experience as an IT support engineer across Windows, Mac, iOS, and Linux Server platforms, Neil possesses the expertise to create comprehensive and user-friendly documentation that simplifies complex technical concepts for a wide audience.
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