First Impressions of Monster Hunter Wilds: A Hands-On Review

NewsFirst Impressions of Monster Hunter Wilds: A Hands-On Review

Monster Hunter Wilds: A Comprehensive Preview

I recently had the privilege of diving into Monster Hunter Wilds, the latest addition to the critically acclaimed Monster Hunter series. As part of my hands-on experience, I embarked on a single-player quest to hunt the fearsome fanged beast, Doshaguma. This article will offer a detailed recount of my adventure, highlight new features, and provide insights into what players can expect from this highly anticipated game.

Seamless Exploration

The quest began with Handler Alma assigning me the task of hunting down Doshaguma in the Windward Plains. A significant change in Monster Hunter Wilds is the ability to bring two weapons into a quest. For this mission, I opted for the Switch Axe and the Light Bowgun, offering a balanced approach to both close-quarters and ranged combat.

One of the most striking improvements in this installment is the seamless, load-free traversal. Unlike previous games where transitioning from base camp to the hunting area involved loading screens, Wilds integrates base camp directly into the expansive game world. This seamless experience begins the moment you set off from camp, eliminating any break in the immersion.

Riding the Seikret

The Seikret, a rideable companion, is another new feature that greatly enhances the game’s traversal mechanics. The Seikret comes equipped with an autopilot option, allowing for a hands-free journey to the designated location marked by Alma on the map. The Seikret’s ability to traverse rugged terrains brings to mind the Jagras and Kestodon companions from Monster Hunter World.

Even when in autopilot mode, you retain control over the Seikret using the left analog stick, enabling you to deviate from the path to explore or gather items. Remarkably, you can also collect items and use weapons while riding the Seikret, adding a layer of versatility to your hunting strategy.

Combat Mechanics and Large Dung Pods

Upon arriving at the location, I encountered a pack of Doshaguma, with the largest among them being the quest target. Engaging multiple monsters simultaneously added a layer of complexity to the hunt. To manage this, Monster Hunter Wilds introduces Large Dung Pods, a new item that can disperse groups of monsters with a noxious explosion. These pods are incredibly effective at breaking up packs, allowing you to focus on your primary target.

After dispersing the pack, I summoned my feathered mount with a whistle and resumed my pursuit of the Doshaguma. This seamless transition between combat and traversal ensures that you remain engaged in the hunt without unnecessary interruptions.

SOS Flare and NPC Support

During the hunt, a tutorial for the SOS Flare appeared on the screen. In previous Monster Hunter games, an SOS Flare allowed players to call for backup from other players. In Monster Hunter Wilds, this feature has been expanded to include NPC support hunters. This addition means that players can enjoy a four-player multiplayer experience even when playing solo, making the game more accessible and engaging for solo players.

The New Wound System and Focus Mode

A notable new feature in Monster Hunter Wilds is the Wound System. As I attacked the Doshaguma with my Switch Axe, I noticed glowing red spots forming at the impact points. These weak points are critical to dealing significant damage. By holding the L2 trigger, I activated Focus Mode, which maximizes damage output by highlighting these wounds and making them easier to target. Additionally, Focus Mode allows for a special Focus Strike that deals extensive damage, adding a tactical layer to the combat.

Switching Between Weapons

Switching between weapons in Monster Hunter Wilds is more fluid than ever. You can switch weapons even while riding the Seikret, using the right directional button. This feature is particularly useful for adapting to different combat scenarios on the fly. The ability to use healing items or a whetstone while on the Seikret further enhances your versatility in the field.

The L2 trigger, traditionally used for Aiming Mode with ranged weapons like the Light Bowgun in Monster Hunter World, now also activates Focus Mode. This new mechanic makes it easier to aim at a monster’s wounds, and landing a significant hit triggers a notification for wound destruction, providing an excellent opportunity for additional attacks.

Dynamic Weather Conditions

The dynamic weather system in Monster Hunter Wilds adds another layer of realism and challenge to the game. As I continued my hunt for the Doshaguma, the weather suddenly shifted into a sandstorm. The darkening skies and rumbling thunder heightened the sense of urgency and drama, making the hunt even more thrilling. Lightning strikes added an unpredictable element, forcing me to adapt my strategy on the fly.


My brief time with Monster Hunter Wilds was both exhilarating and enlightening. The game’s seamless traversal, advanced combat mechanics, and dynamic weather conditions set it apart from its predecessors. The introduction of Large Dung Pods, the Wound System, and Focus Mode adds depth to the gameplay, while the ability to switch weapons and use items while riding the Seikret enhances versatility.

The inclusion of NPC support hunters through the SOS Flare system is a welcome addition, offering a more inclusive multiplayer experience for solo players. As we await more information from Capcom ahead of the game’s 2025 release, it’s clear that Monster Hunter Wilds is set to be a groundbreaking entry in the series.

For those eager to dive into this new world, the anticipation is well justified. Keep an eye out for more updates and prepare for an unforgettable hunting adventure in Monster Hunter Wilds.

For more Information, Refer to this article.

Neil S
Neil S
Neil is a highly qualified Technical Writer with an M.Sc(IT) degree and an impressive range of IT and Support certifications including MCSE, CCNA, ACA(Adobe Certified Associates), and PG Dip (IT). With over 10 years of hands-on experience as an IT support engineer across Windows, Mac, iOS, and Linux Server platforms, Neil possesses the expertise to create comprehensive and user-friendly documentation that simplifies complex technical concepts for a wide audience.
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