NASA Announces 13th Annual Space Station Research and Development Conference

NewsNASA Announces 13th Annual Space Station Research and Development Conference

NASA Highlights Groundbreaking Discoveries at the 13th International Space Station Research and Development Conference

NASA is set to broadcast a series of groundbreaking discoveries and benefits for humanity from the 13th annual International Space Station (ISS) Research and Development Conference. Scheduled to run from Monday through Thursday, August 1st, in Boston, this conference aims to showcase how NASA, along with its commercial and international partners, is maximizing research and development in orbit.

The conference agenda is available online, and NASA will provide live coverage of select panels on NASA Television, the NASA app, YouTube, and the agency’s official website. For those interested, there are multiple ways to stream NASA TV through various platforms, including social media.

NASA’s Coverage Schedule (All Times Eastern):

Tuesday, July 30

  • 9 a.m. – Igniting Innovation Keynote
    • Participants:
    • Diana Ly, Manager, Deputy Director, Biological and Physical Sciences, NASA Headquarters
    • Michael Roberts, Chief Scientific Officer, International Space Station National Laboratory
  • 9:35 a.m. – Research Discussion by NASA’s Expedition 71 Astronauts
    • Participants:
    • Mike Barratt
    • Matt Dominick
    • Jeanette Epps
    • Tracy C. Dyson

      Wednesday, July 31

  • 12 p.m. – Keynote Address
    • Participant:
    • Jim Free, NASA Associate Administrator
  • 1:45 p.m. – Lightning: The Power of Science in Low Earth Orbit
    • Participant:
    • Nicky Fox, Associate Administrator, Science Mission Directorate, NASA Headquarters
  • 2:05 p.m. – Low Earth Orbit Research Continuity Panel
    • Participants:
    • Robyn Gatens, Director, International Space Station Program, NASA Headquarters
    • Kirt Costello, Utilization Manager, Low Earth Orbit Development Program, NASA Johnson
    • Ryan Prouty, Manager, International Space Station Research Integration Office, NASA Johnson

      Thursday, Aug. 1

  • 8:40 a.m. – International Space Station International Partners Panel
    • Participants:
    • Dana Weigel, Manager, International Space Station Program, NASA Johnson
    • Dr. Masaki Shirakawa, Director, Japanese Experiment Module Utilization Center, JAXA (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency)
    • Fabio Caramelli, Manager, Space Rider System Payload and Exploitation, ESA (European Space Agency)
    • Mathieu Caron, Director, Astronauts, Life Sciences and Space Medicine, CSA (Canadian Space Agency)
    • Hazzaa Al Mansoori, Chief, Astronaut Office, United Arab Emirates
    • Luca Di Fino, Utilization Manager, International Space Station Program, Agenzia Spaziale Italiana
  • 10:15 a.m. – Accessibility to Low Earth Orbit Panel
    • Participants:
    • Brittany Brown, Director, Digital Communications, Office of Communications, NASA Headquarters
    • Jessica Gagen, Scientist and Educator, Miss United Kingdom 2024
    • Eric Ingram, Chairman and Chief Strategy Officer, SCOUT Space, Inc.
    • John Shoffner, Founder, Perseid Foundation
  • 12:30 p.m. – Keynote Address
    • Participant:
    • Steve Bowen, NASA Astronaut

      About the International Space Station Research and Development Conference

      Hosted by the Center for the Advancement of Science in Space and the American Astronautical Society in cooperation with NASA, the ISS Research and Development Conference brings together leaders from industry, academia, and government. With over 23 years of continuous crewed operations, the ISS serves as a unique scientific platform where crew members conduct experiments across multiple research disciplines, including Earth and space science, biology, human physiology, physical sciences, and technology demonstrations that are not possible on Earth.

      Crews living aboard the ISS have executed more than 3,300 experiments in microgravity for thousands of researchers on Earth. The space station also supports space commerce, from commercial crew and cargo partnerships to commercial research and national lab research. Data collected from these activities help set standards for future commercial stations.

      Why This Conference Matters

      The ISS Research and Development Conference is pivotal for several reasons. It serves as a forum to discuss ongoing research and future projects that could have significant impacts on life on Earth and beyond. The conference also provides a platform for international collaboration, bringing together some of the brightest minds in space research to share their findings and innovations.

      Technical Terms Explained

  • Microgravity: A condition in which objects appear to be weightless and free-fall at the same rate as their surroundings. This condition is achieved on the ISS, allowing scientists to conduct experiments that would be impossible under Earth’s gravity.
  • Low Earth Orbit (LEO): The region of space close to Earth, typically at an altitude of less than 2,000 kilometers. The ISS orbits within this region, making it accessible for frequent missions.
  • Commercial Crew and Cargo Partnerships: Collaborations between NASA and private companies to transport astronauts and supplies to and from the ISS. These partnerships aim to reduce costs and increase the frequency of missions.

    Good to Know

    The ISS has been instrumental in numerous scientific breakthroughs. For instance, research conducted on the ISS has contributed to advancements in medical treatments, improved materials manufacturing, and a better understanding of fundamental scientific principles. The station’s unique environment enables experiments that can lead to innovations benefiting various industries on Earth.

    For those interested in staying updated on the science conducted aboard the ISS, follow @ISS_Research on X (formerly Twitter). Additionally, more information about conducting research in microgravity can be found at NASA’s ISS Science Page.

    Contact Information

    For further details, you can reach out to the following contacts:

  • Joshua Finch / Jimi Russell
  • Sandra Jones
  • Patrick O’Neill
    • International Space Station National Laboratory
    • 904-806-0035

      In conclusion, the 13th International Space Station Research and Development Conference promises to be a significant event for the scientific community, offering insights into the latest research and innovations that could shape the future of space exploration and improve life on Earth.

For more Information, Refer to this article.

Neil S
Neil S
Neil is a highly qualified Technical Writer with an M.Sc(IT) degree and an impressive range of IT and Support certifications including MCSE, CCNA, ACA(Adobe Certified Associates), and PG Dip (IT). With over 10 years of hands-on experience as an IT support engineer across Windows, Mac, iOS, and Linux Server platforms, Neil possesses the expertise to create comprehensive and user-friendly documentation that simplifies complex technical concepts for a wide audience.
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